Lies, damned lies and more lies.

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February 18, 2014 by socialaction2014

Lies, damned lies and more lies.

A letter a day to number 10. No 658.

Wednesday 19 February 2014. Lies, damned lies and more lies.

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Dear Mr Cameron,

Hearing you repeatedly say that you have increased spending on flood defences since 2010 was a fascinating experience, rather akin to being a rabbit caught in the headlights of a car just before being wiped out. Lies have that effect, as your Nudge Unit no doubt knows very well, taking hold of reality, giving it a damn good shake down and creating doubt in reality. You even had the unmitigated gall to appear irritated by the repeated questioning that you were denying cuts in spending.

You are now on record saying the previous government cut spending on flood defences when they increased them by 33% where you have cut them by 27%.

It’s the slight of hand of the moment, The fact free televisual moment which bears as much relationship to truth and reality as Bugs Bunny. Such is the world of media exploiting modern politics. It brings to mind your lying to Parliament in Prime Ministers Question time in saying that disabled people are exempt from the bedroom tax and also your saying that fracking is safe for the UK whilst lobbying intensely to oppose EU efforts to impose environmental regulations.

Even the thought of fracking the Somerset Levels should strike horror in the heart of anyone with a brain and yet they are up for grabs.

Those headlights are very bright indeed, but then they would be because it is not a car, it’s bloody great articulated trucks loaded with profiteering lies for plunder in the great British sell out. And you have the effrontery to call us irrational!

I have to confess to being completely bemused at building on a flood plain at all, just as I am by San Francisco, for example, being built on a major geological fault line. Such things are just accidents waiting to happen. It’s shocking and tragic when disaster strikes, but hardly surprising. But then that’s the mad world we live in and lying about it and pretending otherwise just makes it infinitely worse.

Coalition cut flood defence by 27% – Labour increased flood defence by 33% — in Peasedown Saint John.

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