Oh what a ‘twisted’ web we weave, when we practice to deceive.

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January 25, 2014 by socialaction2014

Oh what a 'twisted' web we weave, when we practice to deceive.

A letter a day to number 10. No 635.

Saturday 25 January 2014. Oh what a ‘twisted’ web we weave, when we practice to deceive.

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Dear Mr Cameron,

The twisted, duplicitous, deceitful, Iain Duncan Smith, he can’t get it right for making it wrong. A modern day Wilberforce eh? Saving, ‘our fellow citizens’, the drink and drug addled wasters enslaved to benefits, for the freedom and liberty of work.

I have never read a more vile speech, although I am sure we can look forward to many more like it in the lead up to the general election. I am sure we’ll hear a lot more about the compassionate Conservatives, but Smith rebranding himself as the messiah? I must congratulate you, your party spin doctors are earning every penny we pay them on this one.

What traps people, Mr Cameron, is not benefits, it is low pay, zero hours contracts, a lack of protection at work which you are entirely responsible for, loss of legal protections, with the majority of those in poverty now to be found in work.

IDS is responsible for a regime of sanctions forcing people into penury and a job market that doesn’t exist. It was Esther McVey who suggested working at Costa, a company which was flabbergasted to see 1,700 people applying for 8 jobs, 3 full time and 5 part time, in December last year. This is a monstrous, vindictive, twisting of the social narrative.

In Iain Duncan Smith’s perverse world, removing the social safety net will reduce crime, drink and drug abuse, child hunger and restore community pride, by forcing people into low paid employment that doesn’t actually exist. The welfare system does not encourage people to turn to crime and there is no evidence to suggest it does with crime statistics showing that crime in England and Wales is down 10%, so IDS should stop fabricating nonsense, but he won’t.

IDS casts himself into the role of both a modern day Wiberforce and Lord Shaftsbury. A Wilberforce today would be looking at the modern day slavery and poverty of work and Shaftsbury did the exact opposite to IDS, putting protections into law for the work place, where you and your government are dismantling them.

Smith’s speech at the Centre for Social Justice is a deliberate and malicious attempt to twist the social narrative and break the will of the people as you destroy the welfare state. The very devil himself couldn’t have written a more twisted speech.



Abuse of sanctions causes huge drop in unemployment claims




http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2014/01/15/benefits-uk-welfare_n_4596173.html?utm_hp_ref=uk-politics&ir=UK+Politics — in Peasedown Saint John.

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