Public poverty porn masturbating.

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January 12, 2014 by socialaction2014

Public poverty porn masturbating.

A letter a day to number 10. No 623.

Monday 13 January 2014. Public poverty porn masturbating.

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Dear Mr Cameron,

I am tired of people bleating about working hard and stridently speaking against people who are in receipt of benefits and more than sick of the bigoted presumption of guilt being used and abused against all benefit claimants and especially against the sick and disabled.

Watching poverty porn now seems to be the pastime of choice amongst the indignant, morally outraged, self righteous who get their rocks off on poor bashing. ‘Why should I be paying for them?’ they ejaculate onto the pristine Kleenex’s of their Twitter/Facebook accounts and into news comment orifices. Phallic finger pointing is becoming the new national pastime for poverty porn watching masturbators.

Poking ones nose into other people’s business has never been pretty but this regression to pubescent wanking and gleefully strident social ejaculation against the poor at every opportunity is, frankly, yeuw! When are you and those you encourage in this juvenile and tacky pastime going to grow up and get a bit of backbone?

If people are so outraged about having to work hard to support others then their first responsibility should be to themselves to get neutered, never marry and never breed, they are clearly far to immature and self centred to ever be allowed to participate in the gene pool. They should stick to masturbation and let the rest us, who work in all manner of ways that satisfy our desire to support and give of ourselves to others, get on with life and living.

This disease of selfishness starts right at the top and is the only trickle down that is occurring in Britain today, actually it’s more like a torrent. It is the selfishness of the aristocracy who have always oppressed the people in order to satisfy their insatiable greed whilst despising those same people who have given so generously. MP’s today with their attitude of entitlement, those who thrive on greed, expenses grabbing, subsidised food and drink, luxurious living and poor blaming and bashing are a disease that is infecting the nation. You are just spoilt brats with not an ounce of gratitude in you for the life style you enjoy at every one else’s expense.

Iain Duncan Smith is possibly the smug poverty porn peddler in chief but he’s in great company with you, Osborne, McVey and Freud, with his whining, ‘The poor should take the greatest risks as they have the least to lose’. What an idiot ‘Lord’ Freud is, the poor have always taken the greatest risks, who fights your bloody wars for you and always have? Mr Cameron, the simple truth is that it is long overdue that all you vindictive poor bashers and poverty porn drama queens just grew up and got out of the way, along with all the other juvenile whiners and whingers. Pfft!
— in Peasedown Saint John.

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